Our Feet Know This Ground


1. We leave traces,
2. Mapping how to get here.
3. Finishing what needs to be done, this accomplishment.
4. Paper for gifting
5. Words filled with gratitude
6. How one thing leads to another.
7. Sifting, connecting, recombining
8. What can only come through you.
9. Can you see yourself becoming?
10. The day is begun.
11. The dove sings her song, lifting leaves. Gentle breeze.
12. Give yourself room, space to expand, roam and return.
13. Repeating.
14. Your pen. This brush.
15. Ink on your fingers.
16. Another sip. One more.
17. There is time for stitching.
18. How you settle in, supported.
19. The bright sky above you
20. Our feet know this ground.

Amanda Judd