Rubric for Anarchy

Creating a rubric for anarchy is a somewhat paradoxical task, as anarchy is often associated with a lack of formal rules or structures. However, if you're looking to evaluate aspects related to a society or system that adheres to anarchic principles, you might consider the following criteria:


1. Decentralization:

- Excellent (5): Demonstrates a high degree of decentralized decision-making and power distribution.

- Good (4): Generally adheres to decentralized principles but may have occasional centralization.

- Satisfactory (3): Exhibits some decentralization but also experiences notable centralization.

- Needs Improvement (2): Struggles with maintaining decentralization, with significant centralization present.

- Unsatisfactory (1): Consistently relies on centralized structures.

2. Voluntary Cooperation:

-Excellent (5): Consistently emphasizes voluntary cooperation and mutual aid.

- Good (4): Generally promotes voluntary cooperation but may have instances of coercion.

- Satisfactory (3): Exhibits a mix of voluntary and involuntary cooperation.

- Needs Improvement (2): Struggles to maintain voluntary cooperation, with notable instances of coercion.

- Unsatisfactory (1): Consistently relies on coercion rather than voluntary cooperation.

3. Absence of Hierarchy:

- Excellent (5): Demonstrates a complete absence of hierarchical structures.

- Good (4): Generally avoids hierarchy but may have occasional hierarchical elements.

- Satisfactory (3): Exhibits a mix of hierarchical and non-hierarchical structures.

- Needs Improvement (2): Struggles with maintaining an absence of hierarchy, with significant hierarchical elements.

- Unsatisfactory (1): Consistently relies on hierarchical structures.

4. Equity and Justice:

- Excellent (5): Prioritizes equity and justice, addressing social inequalities effectively.

- Good (4): Generally promotes equity and justice but may have instances of social disparities.

- Satisfactory (3): Exhibits a mix of equitable and inequitable practices.

- Needs Improvement (2): Struggles to maintain equity, with notable social disparities present.

- Unsatisfactory (1): Consistently exhibits social inequalities.


- Total points: 20

- Excellent (16-20): Demonstrates a high adherence to anarchic principles.

- Good (11-15): Generally adheres to anarchic principles but may need improvement in some areas.

- Satisfactory (6-10): Demonstrates some adherence to anarchic principles; improvement is needed.

- Needs Improvement (1-5): Struggles with consistent adherence to anarchic principles; significant improvement is needed.

- Unsatisfactory (0): Does not adhere to anarchic principles.


Note: This rubric is a conceptual framework and may not fully capture the diverse interpretations and applications of anarchy. It is essential to consider the context and perspectives surrounding discussions of anarchy.