Working with the Unknown


Some things bring me joy just to look at them. Oddly, this is one of them. Messy marks I made using carbon paper and a bamboo stick carved to simulate a pen. It's mostly experiment turned study. Almost art. I am learning new media, how to work with carbon paper. And noticing, how I am falling into geometry. Constructing through collage a vocabulary of color and squares.


I'm not sure yet what it is I want to say, what words will come, or if what I say will even need words. Rather the effect of them will come from pages ripped and sewn in strips and borders. Yet shown as something that was said. Once. But now, said differently.


The piecing together is a mystery. Especially when I am drawn to what is inexact, free form. Improvisational. The making requires me to pay attention and trust my decisions quickly while offering the surprise of what I help emerge.

Creative flow at its finest as far as I am concerned.

Amanda Judd