Artist rEvolution, The eBook

Artist rEvolution, The eBook


Making art is powerful life changing stuff.

Artist rEvolution A Five Week Odyssey into Inward Facing Collaboration, Self Awareness & Discovery, speaks to the riches of developing your own daily art making practice. Reflecting on your art making is a way to give you insight into the values, beliefs and mindsets that influence who you are as an artist and a person. It’s a way to become more mindful when making art and in life in general.

“Your creativity matters, to your well-being, to your world, and to our collective future. This book offers meaningful inroads for readers to form supportive collaborations. We so often feel alone or abandoned to our worst habits once we leave an inspiring class or workshop. The tools offered here circumvent inertia, carving a direct path to a resource full creative life.”

~Suzi Banks Baum– Writer, Maker, Mom

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Artist rEvolution A Five Week Odyssey into Inward Facing Collaboration, Self Awareness & Discovery:

  • Provides easy-to-understand foundational elements of Inward Facing Collaboration including the importance of mindset, beliefs and 9 core values.

  • Features exercises to encourage the use of mixed media, including ephemera, acrylic paint, pastels, stencils, stamps, etc.

  • Includes a reflective art making journal packed with fun tools to help you become more self-aware and intentional when creating.

  • Outlines the basic components of the Inward Facing Collaborative framework so you can achieve a collaborative experience suited to your personal growth and enjoyment plus suggestions on how to find collaborators.

“Thank you Amanda and Tracee for giving me this spark just now. I know I already said it multiple times, but truly, the timing was divine-given!” ~Kara Chipoletti Jones- Creative Grief Coach
