Rubric for Self-Evaluation


Here's a sample rubric for individual self-evaluation across various aspects:


1. Goal Setting and Achievement:

- Excellent (5): Sets clear, measurable goals and consistently achieves or exceeds them.

- Good (4): Generally sets achievable goals but may occasionally fall short or exceed expectations.

- Satisfactory (3): Sets some goals, with room for improvement in clarity or achievement.

- Needs Improvement (2): Struggles to set clear and achievable goals, leading to challenges in achievement.

- Unsatisfactory (1): Fails to set meaningful goals or consistently falls short of goals.

2. Time Management:

- Excellent (5): Effectively manages time, prioritizing tasks, and meeting deadlines consistently.

- Good (4): Generally manages time well, but may occasionally struggle with prioritization or deadlines.

- Satisfactory (3): Manages time adequately, with room for improvement in prioritization and meeting deadlines.

- Needs Improvement (2): Struggles with time management, leading to delays and missed deadlines.

- Unsatisfactory (1): Fails to manage time effectively, resulting in frequent delays and missed deadlines.

3. Self-Motivation and Initiative:

- Excellent (5): Demonstrates high levels of self-motivation and consistently takes initiative in tasks and projects.

- Good (4): Generally self-motivated and takes initiative, but may occasionally lack proactivity.

- Satisfactory (3): Shows some self-motivation and initiative, with room for improvement.

- Needs Improvement (2): Struggles with consistent self-motivation and initiative, relying on external direction.

- Unsatisfactory (1): Lacks self-motivation and initiative, often waiting for direction from others.

4. Adaptability and Resilience:

- Excellent (5): Adapts well to changes, remains resilient in the face of challenges, and learns from setbacks.

- Good (4): Generally adapts to changes and demonstrates resilience, but may occasionally struggle.

- Satisfactory (3): Shows some adaptability and resilience, with room for improvement in handling challenges.

- Needs Improvement (2): Struggles with adaptability and resilience, finding it challenging to bounce back from setbacks.

- Unsatisfactory (1): Exhibits low adaptability and struggles to recover from challenges.

5. Self-Reflection:

- Excellent (5): Engages in regular self-reflection, seeking to understand personal strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

- Good (4): Generally reflects on personal performance, but there may be occasional lapses in depth.

- Satisfactory (3): Shows some degree of self-reflection, with room for improvement in depth and consistency.

- Needs Improvement (2): Struggles with consistent self-reflection, often avoiding critical analysis of performance.

- Unsatisfactory (1): Lacks self-reflection, hindering the ability to understand personal development needs.


- Total points: 25

- Excellent (21-25): Demonstrates a high level of individual effectiveness and self-awareness.

- Good (16-20): Generally effective but may need improvement in some areas.

- Satisfactory (11-15): Demonstrates some aspects of individual effectiveness; improvement is needed.

- Needs Improvement (6-10): Struggles with consistent individual effectiveness; significant improvement is needed.

- Unsatisfactory (1-5): Does not demonstrate effective individual performance.


Note: This rubric is a sample and can be customized based on specific aspects of individual self-evaluation that are relevant to your context or personal goals. Adjustments may be necessary based on the specific criteria you wish to emphasize or the nature of your self-assessment.

Amanda Judd